New Georgia Lawsuit Claims Over 20K Ballots Were Cast by Voters Who Don’t Meet Residency Requirements


A new lawsuit claimed that over 20,000 ballots were cast in Georgia by voters who don’t meet residency requirements. The suit included data analysis from the Voter Integrity Project (VIP) and an affidavit from the Census Bureau Deputy Director for Data Benjamin Overholt.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by over 12,600 votes – less than the number of votes that the lawsuit flagged as potentially fraudulent.

According to VIP’s data, an estimated 20,312 votes were cast by individuals who no longer met Georgia’s residency requirements. The voters were flagged because they’d either filed an out of state National Change of Address (NCOA) or subsequent voter registration preceding the general election.

In addition to Georgia, VIP noted that the other contested states had potentially thousands of ballots cast by individuals who no longer met residency requirements. Their team flagged over 5,700 votes in Arizona, over 13,000 in Michigan, over 8,400 in Nevada, over 14,300 in Pennsylvania, and over 6,800 in Wisconsin.

The lawsuit cited Georgia’s Code which states that an individual loses residency if they register to vote in another state or undertake certain measures indicative of changing residence. It also claimed that there was a significant lack of signature verification for absentee ballots. The lawsuit cited lowered rejection rates discovered through an analysis expert comparing previous elections to this year’s general election, with further explanation provided in an attached affidavit.

The affidavit came from Overholt, an M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Statistics and Research Methods and a previous election results analyst for the Voting Rights Section of the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division.

Overholt claimed that Secretary of State (SOS) Brad Raffensperger provided “misleading” and “flawed” information when claiming that it increased absentee ballot rejections based on signature matching. He explained that Raffensperger’s office applied different standards between elections to calculate its rejection rates.

“For the 2020 Primary Election, the SOS Analysis divided total rejection by Accepted ballots only,” he said. “For the 2020 General Election, the SOS Analysis divided the number of Rejected ballots by the total of all Accepted, Rejected and Spoiled ballots (the method employed in this analysis). That was correct, but the SOS Analysis for the 2018 General Election minimized the percentage and maximized it for the 2020 Primary Election.”

Overholt added that there were further anomalies with the Georgia elections, including nearly 500,000 more votes cast than ballots on record in the state datafile.

As reported previously, VIP’s findings were requested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). VIP’s founder, Matt Braynard, has been called to present his findings in multiple ongoing court cases investigating voter fraud in contested states. Braynard appeared at the Arizona court case on Monday.

The Georgia Star News contacted Braynard to offer further clarification on his data as presented within this lawsuit. Braynard didn’t issue a response by press time.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].






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2 Thoughts to “New Georgia Lawsuit Claims Over 20K Ballots Were Cast by Voters Who Don’t Meet Residency Requirements”

  1. Kathy Crookston

    Raffensperger claims this is a felony…..will even one person be charged?

    Did Perdue actually get 50% of the vote???

  2. Deplorable Bay Stater

    This looks a lot like a smoking gun to me. And it’s not just about non-residents voting illegally; the fact that this occurred on such a large scale is evidence of gross incompetence by the people running the election, but not necessarily criminal activity (unless they knew about it and chose to ignore it). Having 500,000 more votes tallied than there are ballots is a horse of a different color…which is probably why the FBI is (belatedly) getting interested. I wonder who will be getting perp-walked…Kemp? Raffensperger? More likely someone much lower on the food chain will get thrown under the bus.

    How much longer can the news media continue to ignore (or even try to hide) all of this evidence.
